West Valley Mosquito
& Vector Control District
Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM Phone: 909-635-0307

Many people know the mosquito because of its annoying nature and its bothersome bites. Yet, often their dangerous nature is overlooked. Over 1 million people die from mosquito-borne diseases annually. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at a time and can do so up to three times until they die. Their existence is practically inevitable but there are many easy ways to keep yourself and your community safe. Aside from control and surveillance, the District strives to spread awareness about the danger of mosquitoes while educating the public on key ways to stay safe.
In the United States, there are approximately 200 species of mosquitoes each with their own characteristics. Only about 12 of these are of public health concern. California has about 50 species, and only a few are a health threat. When developing, they go through the same four life stages but, depending on the type of mosquito, the cycle could be completed in as little as four days or it could last as long as one month.

Mosquitoes need water to survive. Without a stagnant water source, some mosquitoes cannot lay their eggs and the eggs that are able to be laid in damp soil need to be flooded by water in order to hatch into larva. Eggs will not hatch without a water source. Below are a few examples of breeding sites that you might be able to find in your own backyard.

Vector Control Districts often recommend that water sit for no more than 48 hours. Especially in the summer, water that sits for longer than 48 hours can have enough algae and bacteria to support mosquito larvae development and become an attractive place for female mosquitoes to lay their eggs.
Items like trash cans and planter pots can accumulate water and turn foul quickly and should be drained as quickly as possible.
Birdbaths and pet watering dishes left outside should be monitored daily, checked for the presence of algae and organic matter that can foul the water, and cleaned weekly at minimum.
Ponds and water gardens should have the surface of the water agitated using a sprinkler or other pumping device, and if possible, mosquitofish (available at the District) can be added to remove larvae.
Vector Control Recommendations for Stormwater Best Management Practices
Best Choices
Source Control
Treatment Control
Efficient irrigation
Pervious pavements
Routine street sweeping
Routine drainage system maintenance
Minimize non-stormwater discharges
Vegetated swale
Infiltration trench
Infiltration chambers
Drain inserts
Source Control
Treatment Control
Over irrigation of swales and basins
Conveyance pipes that hold water - nyloplast
Drywells that fluctuate with groundwater
Loading docks that hold water or have sumps
Hydrodynamic separators - CDS/ vortex
Baffle boxes
Media cartridge filters
Constructed wetlands/wet ponds
According to the World Health Organization, more than 50 percent of the world's population is at risk from mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquitoes can transfer and transmit diseases, such as West Nile virus, to humans and they can cause sickness or sometimes even death​. Though not all bites transmit disease, they still become a nuisance to most due to the extreme itchiness and other possibly severe reactions caused by the saliva left behind after the mosquito bites. This could interfere with how often one wants to participate in outdoor activities and sports.

Typically, some mosquito-borne diseases stay within a certain geographical area, but through travel and other agents, diseases are capable of spreading into foreign regions. Here at the District, we survey mosquitoes by setting out traps to capture mosquitoes throughout our region. Then, we bring in the traps to check the amount of mosquitoes caught in those regions in order to assess which regions are having mosquito problems. After that, female mosquitoes undergo disease testing to see if they are carriers of any diseases, native or non-native. These diseases include:
Click the links above to learn more about the diseases
Breeding Habits: Female mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs in areas that become flooded.
Physical Attributes: Abdomen has a pointed tip.
Flying Abilities: Can travel up to 75 meters from breeding sites
Biting Habits: Typically bite mammals with a preference for humans
Activity Habits: Active mainly at dawn and early evening
Common Species in Southern California: Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Aedes sierrensis
Invasive Species: Aggressive day-time biters including Aedes aegypti (Yellow fever mosquito) and Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito). These mosquitoes have a limited flight range typically staying close to breeding sites.

Ary Farajollahi, Bugwood.org
Anopheles GENUS
Breeding Habits: Females mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs in permanent freshwater.
Physical Attributes: Abdomen has a pointed tip. Palps are as long as the proboscis.
Flying Abilities: Cannot fly far from their breeding sites.
Biting Habits: Bite often with a preference for humans and other mammals.
Activity Habits: Usually active at dusk, dawn, and night
Common Species in Southern California: Anopheles hermsi (southern California malaria mosquito), Anopheles franciscanus
Breeding Habits: Female mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs in calm, stagnant water.
Physical Attributes: Abdomen has a blunt tip.
Flying Abilities: Weak fliers
Biting Habits: Bite often with a preference for birds over humans
Activity Habits: Usually attack at dawn or after dusk
Common Species in Southern California: Culex erythrothorax (tule mosquito), Culex quinquefasciatus (southern house mosquito), Culex stigmatosoma (banded foul water mosquito), Culex tarsalis (western encephalitis mosquito)

Culiseta GENUS
Breeding Habits: Female mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs in natural, stagnant waters.
Physical Attributes: Maxillary palps are longer than the proboscis. Abdomen has a blunt tip.
Biting Habits: Prefer to bite livestock rather than people
Activity Habits: Prefer cold weather. Active in twilight or dawn.
Common Species in Southern California: Culesita incidens (Cold Weather Mosquito), Culesita inornata (Large Winter Mosquito)
Carbon dioxide from the breath of humans and animals
Body odors such as sweat and lactic acid, combined with heat
Dark colored clothing
Standing water - females will lay eggs in stagnant water
Do not scratch bitten area
Clean the bite area with plain water, rubbing alcohol, or alcohol wipes
Apply an ice pack or ice cubes to the bites
Apply anti-itch or itch-soothing creams
Get rid of or change standing water in areas where water collects
Avoid going out around dusk to dawn
Wear protective clothing (e.g. long sleeves, long pants) when in areas where mosquito activity is high
Use insect repellents on the skin
Treat clothing and outdoor gear with repellents